A Sequence for Grounding - Use this simple sequence to restore stability and steadiness when shakiness arises. Hold each pose for 60 seconds-- use your phone timer, or a clock. Keep the breathe smooth and full and notice internal shifts as you move through the poses.
Tadasana - Stand with the feet even, spine long and palms slightly forward. Feel your feet, all corners, focus on the evening out your breath. Can you feel your plumb line?
Downward Facing Dog - Begin on hands and knees, spread your finger and lift your hips skyward. Keep your hands shoulder width. and your feet hips distance wide. Lift your hips and relax your head. Try to feel your hips as the highest point of the pose. Down dog is a hard pose to hold, keep focusing inward.
Twisted Lunge - From Down Dog, step your right foot toward the from of the mat and place the left knee on the floor. Raise your chest to vertical and connect your hands in prayer. Turn the torso to the right and place the left elbow outside of the right knee. Feel the spiraling of the chest, and the way the breath moves in the ribs. How does it feel to breath with the restriction of the twist. Return to Down Dog
Twisted Lunge - From Down Dog step the left foot forward and twist toward the left. Follow the instructions for the right side.
Chair - From Down Dog, walk back to standing. Step your legs close together, deeply bend your knees and lean the weight back into your heels. You may keep your hands on your hips or for an additional challenge raise your arms overhead. Your legs will start to burn, don’t run away from the fire. Keep breathing deeply and feel your strength. Stand tall and enjoy the release.
Tree - Stand on your right leg, and bring your left foot against your inner right ankle. Remain here, or draw the left foot up the inner right leg resting it on the calf or above the knee for tree pose. Join your hands at your heart, and breathe steadily. Grow the balance down from the heart through the foot into the floor. Feel the rebound of the floor upwards. Balance is tricky, hard to hold, on unsteady days, use the wall for support, accept support when needed.
Tree- Same instructions, second side.
Bridge - Lay on your back, with your feet hips distance wide and under your knees. Bend your elbows along your ribs and press your hips off the floor. As you lift the hips, try to lift the chest. Deepen your breath. Instead of focusing on the work of the back body, try to feel the lift and elevation of the chest. Send all of your focus to the heart space and experience the sensation that arise.
Bound Angle - From a seated position bring the soles of the feet together let the knees release towards the floor in a wide butterfly shape. Walk the hands forward until resistance is met. Use the breath to try to soften the holding in the hips and spine. Allow gravity to gently pull you deeper into the pose.
Savasana - lay on your back, stretch your limbs away from your body, and rest deeply. You are not the body, not the mind, but something divine.....