Stillness and Calm-- These restorative poses a meant to help drop you out of anxiety and into serenity. Try to stay in each pose for a few minutes, aim for 10 to 15 minutes for the sequence. (This one is good when you are having trouble sleeping too!)
Ragdoll - Stand with your feet wider than your hips. With your knees bent, hand your torso over your legs. Hold opposite elbows and drape your spine down your legs. Allow your spine to length and close your eyes. Let each breath lengthen and loosen and release tension
Bound Angle on a Bolster - Come to a seat with a few pillows behind your back. Bring the soles of the feet to touch, and allow the knees to fall wide. Slowly lay back on the pillows. Close your eyes and soften inward. Stay until you feel called to move.
Spinal Twist- Lay evenly on the floor and hug your knees into your chest. Slowly lower your knees to the right and spread your arms out wide. Allow your gaze to drift off to the left. Take 20 breaths and slowly roll back to center. Stay in center for a breath or two, and then allow the knees to fall to the left.
Waterfall Sit with one hip against the wall, then lay on your back and slide your legs up the wall. Be sure your hips right up against the wall. Allow the spine to soften and the eyes to close. Let the legs fall heavily downward to the hips. Continue to soften, release and breath deeply. Stay until you feel called to move.